
1 on 1 coaching

The biggest return coaching gives is the ability to get the most development in a personalized fashion in the least amount of time. By working one-on-one, my goal is to pull more out of my client than they ever conceived was possible by asking the right questions and leading them to their own conclusions. This isn’t therapy and it’s certainly not for those who are unwilling to look inward, but for those who are willing to self-reflect and do the hard work, it means a high return on investment in the shortest amount of time.

Group Coaching

Group coaching is effective for groups of people from the same organization or at the same level of leadership, but especially for those working their way up the ranks. Even though I offer EQ via empathy for those in leadership positions, I’m also aware that this is a skill that could be used by anyone in any position: in a family, in a small business, or even just with themselves. Group coaching offers a gateway-option to understand more about what this entails and how it can be invaluable in day-to-day interactions.

Group Coaching Gains

Because groups are constructed by understanding what the members have in common, there’s much to be learned from each other.  Additionally, with the added people comes the opportunity to practice and role-play.  And, for those that are totally new to these concepts and how they are actionable, it would offer a more laid-back approach to learning and integrating lifelong skills.  In the end, the same level of attainment is as possible with the group as it is with individual coaching.  It just depends on how the learner is most comfortable and how much time and effort they are willing to devote to learning new behaviors.

Compromises when in a group.

Because of the group setting I am unable to give the same level of individual attention, but depending on what the attendees want to get out of it, that may not matter. Some people are able to integrate a high-level understanding and integration of these concepts while others may prefer something tailored directly to them with the option of total individual attention.

Groups would top out at 4 people, twice per week for 4 weeks.
There would be a certain amount of self-study and, even more importantly, self-reflection, and members would be asked to come prepared and ready to speak to the group.